How I started
My coaching and training journey started in 2018 when besides being a Content & Training Manager at a Marketing Agency in Cluj Napoca, I also gave coaching a chance by working mostly as a Social Media Coach. I quickly realised that coaching was the part I was really good at and enjoyed the most.

Not long after, I found myself going through several accredited coaching programs, as well as thousands of hours of study and seriously investing in my personal and professional development at all levels. I also continued practicing my coaching skills and knowledge by investing in more than 50 clients and over 500 coaching hours, so far, that have proven to be extremely valuable in my development and experience as a professional coach, leader and entrepreneur.

Ever since I started this journey I continually worked on improving and defining my identity as a coach. Continuous learning, progress through clarity and insight, change and transformation were and are my constant companions in my development as a human being and professional. Everything I learn and discover I put into practice to ensure that I am the best support and guidance for my clients.

As personal development and coaching has become a very important part of my life, I decided to open my own coaching business - DigDeeper Coaching - at the beginning of 2020 and do what I love the most and what I can be best at: to be a real and meaningful support for leaders and entrepreneurs internationally and facilitate real change and transformation in their lives that would bring the success, influence and impact they were born to have.

I believe we are all born with a purpose and it’s our responsibility to find out what that purpose is.

Therefore my mission as a Transformational Change Coach is to facilitate the type of changes in your life that would lead to an uplifting lifestyle, full of opportunities and meaningful results that would create influence and impact in and around you.

If there’s one thing you need to know about me is that: I practice what I preach , I walk the talk first so I can be the meaningful, authentic guidance and support you need in your journey.
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