How DigDeeper Leaders - Equipped for Impact is Different
I am someone you would want to meet and work with. But only if you are interested in progress, purpose, significance, success and impact.
I don't hype you up with false positivity. I take you seriously. I respect you. And I create a genuine working environment where you can feel safe to become vulnerable, yet confident and motivated enough to transform your life.
What you’ll get out of coaching sessions with me is a lasting transformational experience.
So, feel free to reach out and ask questions about my work and my approach as I found that most of the time there’s a lot of misunderstanding about coaching. And by not being curious, you might miss out on an excellent and valuable possible collaboration. And I won’t be able to get to know a valuable person like you!
I am here for you.
Transactional Coaching vs Transformational Coaching
In a market where nowadays everyone seems to be a coach and provides so called coaching services that most of the time have nothing to do with real professional coaching, it’s important to understand what coaching is and how it works, so you can distinguish between what you are being offered and what you need.

And with the rise of AI, and some people feeding you the idea that you can get meaningful coaching by talking with a bot, it’s even more important to understand what you can achieve with the help of a bot and what you can’t. Because yes, you can get AI coaching and it’s way cheaper than coaching with an experienced professional. But you can’t expect the same results. In fact, sometimes you’ll get no results at all, only the feeling that you do.

The same with certain approaches in the coaching field. So, my suggestion is to do your research before hiring any coach and have the freedome and courage to ask questions. Be respectful, but be wise and use critical thinking to your advantage.

Now, let me address the two types of coaching that can actually bring a real value to your life and business. And understand the type of results different types of coaching can bring. This way you can set your expectations right.
Transactional coaching is very common and you’ll recognise it by some specific distinctions:

focuses only on action, performance and achieving immediate, short-term goals
is superficial and it addresses the external symptoms of the problem, not the cause, which makes progress only temporary and not sustainable
while it can be a helpful and practical solution, it also creates the risk of the problem not getting solved at its roots
focuses on changing only a particular area of life or career
enables the client to arrive at a conclusion influenced by an external action as generally the outcome is predicted beforehand by the employer or sponsor
takes you from point A to point B

Bonus: 🐟 The advantage is that you get the 'fish' (solution, idea) fast and therefore your hunger is taken care of immediately as the fish can feed you instantly and for a day or so. The disadvantage is that this process is only temporary and you won’t learn how to fish and how to be fed for a lifetime - you won’t know how to find solutions for yourself on your own in the future.
focuses on the person and on achieving short-term, mid-term and also also long-term goals
takes place on a deeper level and it focuses on finding the cause of the issues you are experiencing
goes deeper in thoughts, emotion,s and behavior to build a solid, sustainable foundation you can build on long-term
uncovers the unknown and raises your conscious awareness
goes beyond, yet also includes similar transactional coaching techniques but it focuses on the individual’s psychological development and purposeful growth
creates a deep, more meaningful impact - and this is something that we need because the human mind is complex, our emotions are complex, our beliefs are many times limited and our values unknown
creates clarity, learning opportunities and shifts in thinking, perspective, emotions and behavior
ensures a sustainable transformational change in all areas of your life and helps you grow as a whole person with a clear purpose in mind
conversations result in high awareness and the ability to make practical decisions that are aligned with your personal and professional priorities
helps you discover who you are, what you stand for and act accordingly
is a complex process
takes you from point A to point Z

Bonus: 🎣 The advantage is that this approach teaches you how to fish on your own (come up with ideas, opportunities, solutions on your own) and have the equipment you need in order fish when you are hungry, and therefore to never go hungry again. The (perceived) disadvantage by some is that this process takes time, effort, commitment and consistency. And therefore you might still feel hungry for a short period of time until you start enjoying the results and major changes in your life, approach, reactions and abilities.

Now that you know what each type of coaching provides, hopefully, it’ll be easier for you to identify what you need.

And while I know that the mass business is coming from Transactional Coaching, I am a great believer in Transformational Coaching and long-term, sustainable, effective change, growth, development, and impact especially when it comes to leadership, business and team development.

I am a great believer in working with leaders and entrepreneurs on a deep, meaningful level so they can build a solid foundation that makes them aware, objective, independent problem-solvers, emotionally effective, and critical thinkers who can communicate effectively, successfully manage stress and thrive as well as develop good, lasting relationships and a successful business that prospers.
The DigDeeper Leaders - Equipped for Impact coaching program is Transformational, Sustainable and Impactful.
It’s NOT transactional and superficial.
Now it’s your turn to decide what truly works for you. And if you decide you want sustainable improvement and be genuinely equipped with the right leadership skills and competencies, get in touch.

I am here for you,
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