Before I met Tünde, I thought I had everything that I needed to be a good writer. However, something was missing, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Now, looking back, I understand that I was afraid to make myself heard. Thus, my voice was shaky and lacked the power I so desperately wanted it to have.
Luckily for me, I had the opportunity to meet Tünde. She's the one who helped me gain the courage, the clarity, and the focus that I was missing. Working with her, not only did I become a better writer, but I also became a more confident person overall.
I don't know how she does it, but she has a way of pointing you in the right direction ever so gently. Tünde will not only help you establish clear objectives, but she will also get you motivated enough to conquer whatever obstacles may stand between you and those objectives.
But don't worry, if you're not ready to go, she won't push you. She'll let you find your own rhythm and encourage you to move toward your goals, even if you're doing it at a slower pace. But once you're all set and ready to go, she'll graciously get out of the way.
She's a great coach. You can tell from the get-go that she's genuinely passionate about helping people discover and nurture their potential. She's a true professional and, unlike many other people who get really good at what they do, she keeps staying humble.
Tünde doesn't want any of the credit for your achievements, although she definitely deserves some of it for the incessant work she puts in to educate you and motivate you to work harder and strive to be better. She will gladly let you wear the laurel wreath. She finds her satisfaction in doing her job well, and in seeing people pursuing meaningful goals at full throttle.
So, if you're looking to make a change in your life, you've come to the right place. This girl means business!