Client Case Study
Couples Coaching - an excellent support in entrepreneurship and leadership
How couples coaching and setting healthy foundations in your marriage can influence your business success and progress

During my successful and meaningful coaching collaboration based on trust, care and professionalism, with Flavius, he and his lovely wife Adina decided that
Adina would want to join my one-to-one coaching program; as she was also very interested in engaging in a consistent process of change, transformation and the development of practical emotional intelligence skills and competencies that would benefit her both personally and professionally.
When I started working with both Adina and Flavius individually, they were at the beginning of their marriage and with a brand new baby, so the timing for coaching, change and improvement couldn’t have been better.
While successfully working with both of them for over 2 years, Adina and Flavius decided to opt for couples coaching, besides the individual coaching they were both engaged in.
This couple was simply unstoppable in their determination and commitment to improve and not settle for being average or end up miserable in their marriage. They knew their goals and wanted to make sure they’d reach those goals together as a couple, as well. Because even when you work on yourself individually, it can take something different to purposefully grow and develop as a couple. Dancing alone is different from dancing together with your partner.
So, even though they were growing and developing well individually, as a couple something was missing: the harmony, rhythm and direction (clarity) in two.
The lack of harmony, rhythm and clarity in communication and decision-making, as well as the lack of clearly defined roles and responsibilities in their marriage and family life, has created difficulties that they have now quickly noticed. As they used to say, they were “two people pulling in two different directions”.
They needed support and clarity, they needed to find their rhythm as a couple, and they needed to figure out how to best communicate with each other effectively.
So what we did was that besides the individual sessions they each had, we included the couple's session as well. Their goal was to work on developing a truly effective and healthy relationship with each other.
So during the couple’s coaching program, they worked on relational and effective communication skills, decision-making skills as a couple, setting healthy boundaries in their relationship and in their relationship with others. Additionally, they worked on gaining clarity when it comes to their roles and responsibilities in the marriage/relationship and family life. And they also worked on developing specific emotional intelligence competencies that are proven to meaningfully support a healthy relationship and marriage.
The benefits of pairing individual coaching with couples coaching were simply amazing and life-changing for them as a couple. And their improvement in marriage has impacted their family life, parenting, relationships, work, business, finances… everything.
After all, when your house is in order, when you feel safe at home, you can focus on the challenges outside your home and have the possibility to win. When you have battles both on a personal and professional level, it’s almost impossible to make it in the long run let alone succeed or have an impact. It’s simply too hard, too demanding and too exhausting and it leaves you with very limited inner resources and it also leads to bad decision-making both on a personal level and in business. It’s not at all surprising how many successful entrepreneurs fail and end up with serious mental health issues and broken marriages simply because getting their life, relationship and house in order was not a priority for them.
A solid foundation. A house in order. A marriage in order. A business in order.
They communicate more openly and clearly, are aware of and more and more respect each other’s boundaries, respect each other, know each other’s roles and responsibilities, are more aware of each other’s needs and wants, have a better structure in their life and therefore in business, and are more satisfied with their choices.
They know who they are individually and as a couple, and have well-defined goals and desires they have purposefully worked on and achieved. They learned to express their thoughts and emotions in an assertive yet caring and empathic way, they learned how to respect themselves and each other, how to communicate boundaries, wants, needs and dislikes, they learned how to be flexible yet independent, solution-oriented yet delay certain rash decisions or reactions that would bring more harm than good. They learned to be themselves yet be considerate of the other. They learned to intentionally work on themselves and the marriage instead of taking it all for granted and hoping things will solve themselves on their own. They learned to see the objective reality, and address issues as soon as they arise instead of assuming and labeling.
They learned to live in harmony, and acceptance and enjoy their marriage in safety, truth and care.
What a fantastic yet not-at-all-simple journey they had and what meaningful results and achievements! Hats off to you, Adina & Flavius, and all my respect for your effort and long-time commitment to change and finding the harmony, rhythm and direction you were looking for! 🙌

I think that by coaching us both on an individual level and as a couple, Tünde helped us reach the point where we understood our emotions, expressed our thoughts and emotions through more effective communication and therefore became masters of our lives as a couple too. In the couple’s sessions, Tünde was great at objectively facilitating the communication of our strong emotions in a healthy way. She helped us realize that even if we are 2 completely different people, our skills and who we are, are working well together, and by allowing ourselves to form a team we can complement and help each other and create a safe space for both of us to enjoy and grow in.
We realized that marriage is not something you take for granted, it's something you build because you actually care and want to build it. And in order to build you need 2 people with the same vision, the same values and who decide daily to go in the same direction together.
We learned to communicate, to actively listen and to clearly express our opinions (without simply assuming that the other person understands what we want and need), to respect our boundaries, to take time for ourselves, to reflect on our relationship, to organize our time and to do things on purpose, not just to wait for it to happen by itself.
These sessions equipped us with the right tools to be the family, parents, and friends we dreamt of being. It's a work in progress but now our family has a solid foundation.
I highly recommend these sessions especially if you feel you hit a turning point and you don’t really understand what is happening to you, and you feel you and your spouse are pulling in different directions. Because when you become aware and understand what is happening in you and to you, and why it is happening, then you can take the right action.
Most couples can find themselves in such a situation and if they don't communicate effectively, they don't understand the other’s perspective and emotions, even if you love and respect your spouse you might do things you don’t mean and this can lead to the feeling that you are alone in the relationship and that there is no point anymore.
I am so grateful for everything Tünde has done for us, for caring, and being there when we needed her the most.

Adina & Flavius Cîndea
If you’ve been inspired and want a major shift, purposeful growth and impact in your life and business, learn more about who I am and how I work and then make sure to set up a meeting, let’s get to know each other, so you can also experience personal and business growth, progress, leadership effectiveness and purposeful living and leading!
Hi, my name is Tünde Macarie and I am the Founder of DigDeeper Leaders - Equipped for Impact serving as a Leadership & Emotional Intelligence Coach and Facilitator.

I am a huge believer that there’s no greater achievement in life than that of a wholesome human being who is well-equipped to BE and DO their very best and live a purposeful life, able to create a positive impact through excellence, wisdom, and compassion.
Combining my passion and curiosity for human behavior, transformational change, purposeful living and effective leadership, has led me to build my coaching business and help leaders, entrepreneurs, startup founders and their teams develop the EQ skills they need to be effective, perform well and successfully handle continuous change and challenges in business, society, relationships, and personal life.
My dream is to work with more and more influential entrepreneurs, leaders, teachers and politicians who dream big, have an insanely meaningful and purposeful vision and want to create a real, positive impact in their businesses, people and society.
I want to support such people to develop the necessary social skills and competencies to become truly effective leaders who can make a sustainable difference and live a meaningful legacy of excellence, innovation, high standards, wisdom and compassion.
So, through individual, personalized coaching sessions, I help and support leaders and entrepreneurs like yourself in identifying what areas in their lives and businesses need to be improved or transformed. I strategically help you develop the right social, communication, relational, decision-making and leadership skills that can support your SUCCESS and EXCELLENCE in business and become equipped for meaningful and lasting IMPACT.
By getting your life, relationships, and business in order!
We often tend to focus on what we know and neglect what we do not know or are not aware of. And this can make us overly confident in our beliefs and capacities as leaders and entrepreneurs. And so a lot of dysfunctionality and disorder gets overlooked and unaddressed, which can create a lot of unexpected damage both on a personal level and in business.
But by learning to become aware of what’s not working and why, and by addressing also uncomfortable and unexpected situations the right way and not postponing to make the hard decisions can have a huge impact on your business.
Not to mention that by bringing order and good functionality in your personal and business relationships and all areas of your life and by developing the skills and competencies that can support you in effective relationships, communication, and decision-making, you can better prepare for and possibly even prevent the damaging effects and painful consequences of unaddressed issues and postponed decisions.
Because first "The pursuit of excellence is gratifying and healthy." (Edwin Bliss)
And second, because I believe that without order, clarity and excellence in our lives, there’s mess, confusion and mediocrity.
And mess simply creates more mess and confusion. And when there’s a mess in our lives there’s also masked and normalized dysfunctionality. The problem is that, by only masking disorder and dysfunctionality instead of addressing it, any type of normalized dysfunctionality can lead to serious damage in our personal lives, relationships and business.
Lack of order is oftentimes closely tied to a lack of higher purpose and direction, normalized dysfunction, and no or very little influence and impact in business, relationships and society.
Whereas, on the flip side, order leads to clarity, direction, purpose and meaning, as well as strategic positioning and positive influence. And even legacy.
So, CONTACT ME to #DigDeeper⛏️ and create a true impact in your life and business through 1-to-1 personalized coaching in a professional, confidential and safe space!
Find out HOW you can bring order in all areas of your life and business, and develop social, relational, communication & decision-making skills and competencies that will revolutionize the way you live and lead.
So, feel free to reach out and ask questions about my work and my approach as I found that most of the time there’s a lot of misunderstanding about coaching. And by not being curious, you might miss out on an excellent and valuable possible collaboration. And I won’t be able to get to know a valuable person like you!
I am here for you, only a message away 👉