How DigDeeper Coaching is Different
I am someone you would want to meet and work with. But only if you are interested in progress, purpose, significance, success and impact.
I don't hype you up with false positivity. I take you seriously. I respect you. And I create a genuine working environment where you can feel safe to become vulnerable, yet confident and motivated enough to transform your life.
What you’ll get out of coaching sessions with me is a lasting transformational experience.
I focus on the person as a whole
Real growth and transformation happen when your entire life is considered as a whole. Gaining insight in all areas of your life will help you change perspective, put things into action and facilitate transformational change on an emotional, mental, behavioral and spiritual level. If all these areas aren’t put together, integrated, there’s no real change that can happen.
I believe in step-by-step change
I don’t believe in overnight change & flying unicorns on colorful rainbows. There’s no such thing as instant transformation. Overnight change does not exist. Real change occurs when a shift in perspective takes place regarding your present ideas, possibly limiting beliefs or assumptions and once you shift your perspective or viewpoint new opportunities and solutions will present themselves that will create long-term change and forward movement.
I combine science, facts & heart to deliver clear outcomes
Being fascinated by human behavior and psychology from a very young age has determined me to closely study the science behind human behavior, emotional intelligence, mastering your mind in order to achieve real change and outcomes on all levels: emotional, mental, behavioral and spiritual. All this combined with my empathy and genuine care for people facilitates excellent results in my clients’ life.
I work on a practical level
I use tools and methods that always lead to the next step in your growth, discovery, development and overall transformation. This means that you will feel equipped to handle real-world issues from a different perspective, with more awareness, acceptance and openness to find new solutions and options that would serve you.
I partner with you to reach both short-term & long-term objectives
I balance addressing immediate and specific situations in the coaching conversations with focusing on long-term objectives, vision and lasting transformational change. No step is less important than the other. Lots of little changes lead up to genuine transformation. Therefore both short-term and long-term objectives are just as important.
I genuinely care about you & your progress
I believe that besides being an excellent professional as a coach one must genuinely care about people. That’s why in the process of partnering with you I empathise, I care about you and constantly make sure to provide the needed support you need in order to change and achieve purposeful growth.
I believe in YOU I believe in your breakthrough
You have a vision, goals, dreams and I believe you can achieve any of these goals and vision with the right mindset and equipment. And the things that you feel slow you down in your progress and success are obstacles that only YOU can overcome.
I believe in your breakthrough, I believe in you!
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